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Friday, June 11, 2010

Me, Blogs and Us

Once upon a time being published was associated with leather-bound books and authority. But the digital age has changed all that. These days, with the internet, almost anyone can publish almost anything, a truth or a lie, a masterpiece or a flop, they‘re all out there for the world to see. There are hundreds of ways to publish, but one the most popular is the blog in its many variations and forms.

When I was growing up there was no such thing as a blog. Self publishing was a complicated and costly process. Production costs and distribution costs were phenomenal, and the opportunity to self publish rested on your ability to pay. These days, individuals can publish their ideas, opinions, rants and research with the click of a button. Gone are the prohibitive production costs, and distribution is now instantaneous. Suddenly the game has changed; everyone’s opinion can be heard. All that remains to be seen is if there is anyone listening, or are we all to busy writing our own blog to read anyone else’s?

This blog is an attempt to look at publishing in a digital age, to look at the how, the who, the what, the when and most importantly the why of publishing in a digital age. It looks at the issues of publishing, the choices, dilemmas, modes and reasons that are behind the pieces that are published, both in a modern online and a traditional context.

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