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Monday, June 14, 2010

Learning by blog

So far, creating this blog is a real learning experience for me. It’s my first foray into blogs, and it’s been learn as I go exercise.

I’m learning some new skills, and honing some old ones. I’m learning to become more succinct in my writing, and produce short pieces to tight deadlines. The blog has helped me develop my approach to writing and made me focus on completing pieces to a publishable standard. The more I explore blogging the more I want to do. There are already ideas forming for new blogs that I can create, and I’ll use them develop my skills as well.

Before blogs only a privileged few were able to have their ideas, opinions or work published. Now anyone with access to a computer can produce a blog. Only a minority of the millions of blog creators will produce something that captures an audience, but the sheer number of blogs means that there will always be quality blogs buried in the blogosphere - they just have to be found.

Researching for the posts I have written has forced me to examine my own opinion on the issues I have been blogging about. I found I’m in favour of free information and news; I don’t like, but accept the need for, advertising; I like the anonymity that blogs and the internet can provide; I think the traditional media need to embrace the new environment – the Long Tail is here. Any future blogs I create will reflect these opinions.
If you've found any of the above posts interesting, why not leave a comment. This blog will be hiatus while I consider what to do next in the blogging world, but I'll be checking back from time to time. Thanks for reading.

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