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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Defining Blogs

What is a blog? This is a blog. You knew that. It’s probably not the first you have seen. There are many ways to define blogs, wikipedia has a really good outline of what blogs can be. Basically, it’s a type of website with regular entries, which allows an individual to get their ideas, opinions or work out into the world using technology that allows cheap access to audiences. It is, in short, self publishing, and with more than 112,000,000 blogs around its self publishing gone mad.

Modern technology has drastically reduced the production and distribution costs for a self published piece. It doesn’t have to be printed, you don’t have to ship it anywhere to have people read it, it can all be created and posted to the internet from your lounge room. With a blog its so cheap to share your opinions, your art, the sordid or not so sordid details of your personal life or your passions with the world.

Because you can do just about anything on your blog there are blogs that cover just about every topic, but there are two main ways to define different types of blogs, by their subject or by the media that they focus on.

Defining blogs by their main subject theme shows as many blogs as there are genres, political blogs, personal blogs, blogs about hobbies or projects, blogs discussing art or movies, or even blogs about some just plain bizarre subjects.

Defining blogs by the media that they use or focus on shows the breadth of art and media that can be published on blogs: there can be photoblogs, video blogs, link blogs - even typecasting blogs for people who still feel comfortable with a typewriter. There are sketchblogs, oil painting blogs and music blogs - the list is nearly endless.

Blogs use technology to make self publishing easy. They are the platform of choice for the amateur with something to say. Blogs are individual expressions and are as varied and unique as their authors.

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